Seven Tips And Tricks To Extend The Life And Durability Of Your MacBook

Do you follow these tips or know some extras?

Jakub Jirak


Virtually all devices need to be cared for in some way — even more true for machines with batteries. That’s because, over time and use, the device's hardware wears out, which means it can lose its features and perform less well. If you want to take care of your Mac so that it lasts as long as possible, this article will come in handy. Where we’ll go over seven tips and tricks to extend the durability and life of your Apple computer. Let’s get straight to the point.

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Use Safari

Of course, you can install any browser on your Mac, including the most popular ones in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, etc. But when it comes to efficiency and the lowest hardware load, Safari is the best. And it’s no wonder since Apple backs Safari, it logically does everything it can to make its native browser work as well as possible. Regarding features and capabilities, Safari is losing out to its competitors in some areas. Still, it's second to none for Macs' optimization and tuning. If you can, then, by all means, use Safari primarily.

Check the most demanding applications.

Do you find that your Mac doesn’t last as long on battery life as it used to? Or are you starting to notice that you’re lacking power for some of the activities you’ve done routinely in the past? If so, there may be an app draining your hardware that you don’t know about. You can detect such an app in the Activity Monitor, which you can launch via Spotlight, or you can find it in Applications in the Utility folder. Here, switch to the CPU section at the top and sort your processes in descending order by % CPU. If an app uses CPU excessively, tap to highlight it, then press the X icon at the top to exit.

Optimize battery settings

Part of macOS is a myriad section within which you can adjust your system preferences. One of these sections includes Battery, where you’ll find all the options for power management and more. To get the best use and extend the life of your Mac, you must customize all the options from this section. So go to → System Preferences → Battery → Battery. Here you can adjust how long the monitor shuts down after idle time, as well as slightly dim the brightness on battery power and optimize video streaming. There’s also an option to activate optimized charging and a low power mode that can come in handy.

Turn off the keyboard backlight

MacBook keyboards are backlit, a feature most of us can’t get enough of. It makes it easy to type at night or in low-light conditions. But the truth is that a constantly lit backlit keyboard may not be ideal for battery life. So it’s worth setting the backlight to activate only when you’re typing. So go to  → System Preferences → Keyboard → Keyboard, where you can activate Adjust keyboard brightness in low light and also Turn keyboard backlight off after X of inactivity. In the menu of this function, select the lowest possible value, i.e., 5 seconds ideally.

Deactivate Bluetooth when idle

Using Bluetooth, we can easily connect AirPods, an external speaker, keyboard, mouse, trackpad, and many other peripherals to the Mac. However, some Apple users don’t use any Bluetooth accessory for a long time, so it’s useless to keep it turned on and consume battery power unnecessarily. So you can disable Bluetooth by going to → System Preferences → Bluetooth, where you can tap Disable Bluetooth.

Don’t charge your iPhone via Mac

Do you own an iPhone and a Mac and often charge it through your Apple computer? If you want to maximize its battery life, don’t. Charging your iPhone in such a situation increases the power consumption of your Mac, which means you have to set it more often. This then leads to your Apple computer’s battery wearing out faster. Ideally, it would help if you got, for example, a wireless charger for your office desk that will charge your iPhone gently and, most importantly, conveniently.

Install macOS updates

Apple releases system updates relatively frequently for all of its supported devices. Aside from the fact that these updates may come with new options and features, they mainly offer fixes for all sorts of bugs and errors that may crop up. So if you feel that your Mac’s hardware isn’t behaving quite as ideally or that the battery isn’t lasting as long as it used to, then definitely update. You can do this by going to  → System Preferences → Software Updates, where you can find, download, and possibly install updates.

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Jakub Jirak
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